You Funded an AMAZING Trip for Anti-CCP, Pro-Democracy Hero Daniel Suidani
June 6, 2023
In April 2023, our unbelievable China Uncensored 50-Cent Army brought pro-democracy, anti-CCP hero Daniel Suidani and his team to Washington DC—and it made a huge difference.
Their DC trip raised awareness of the CCP’s strategic takeover of the Pacific, and its deliberate attacks on democracy and rule of law across the region. This new attention from Congress and the press is a big deal—and it would not have happened without your support.
At the start of 2023, practically no one in Washington had heard of the Solomon Islands. Thanks to Suidani’s trip in April and May, the Solomons are now well known in the halls of Congress and by the press. And when you read media coverage of the Solomons political situation now (see links below), the reporters seem to understand that it’s not just about one small country, it’s about the CCP’s bigger plans.
Some background on this trip:
Suidani is the former Premier of Malaita, the most populous province in the Solomon Islands, a small Pacific Island nation that the CCP is trying to take over ahead of their Taiwan invasion. He was ousted by the corrupt Prime Minister, Manasseh Sogavare.
We posted a video to YouTube on April 16, asking you to contribute to our GoFundMe campaign to fund a trip to Washington, DC for Daniel Suidani. Within 3 hours, you met the funding goal! So we increased the amount to extend his trip and fund some of his lawsuits to fight corruption in the Solomons. 24 hours later, you had contributed a total of $27,853. At that point, we stopped accepting donations—because it was important to us to make sure all the money you gave could go where it was intended. (More info below).
Thanks directly to your support, Daniel Suidani came to Washington DC the next week, along with his advisor Celsus Talifilu. They engaged in high-level meetings, media coverage, and more to ensure their trip was a success. Suidani and Talifilu ended up staying three and half weeks, from April 24 through May 19 (after which they were invited to Canada to have high-level meetings and interviews in Toronto and Ottawa). For part of the DC trip, Chris Chappell joined them for a few meetings and to interview both Suidani and Talifilu.
As a thank you for your support, we first want to give you some highlights of what this trip your funded accomplished. Secondly, we will give you an overview of how the money you contributed was spent.
Congressional Meetings
Congressional Testimony